
"Mutant Jazz"

Swimpigs, a trio now based in San Francisco, has released their first cd, "Mutant Jazz." If you like acid jazz, you will want to purchase this disc (and I am not claiming to know much about different forms of jazz except I like what I like). They have created a "mutant" form of jazz that incorporates elements of jazz and infused it with rap, hip hop and ska elements.

"Sqweek" starts the album off on a very jazzy note, then comes to a pause as the darker sounds of "punk babes on ice" start to filter in. Midsong, they seem to change their style easily and then go back to the themes they had started with. On this album, they have a rap group, Numbs, rap on two of the songs. Personally, I don't like rap and felt that the music alone was enjoyable.

The members of this group used to be in a ska band, Swim Herschel Swim, and that time with that band has definitely matured their talents and sounds. They have created a very enjoyable album that is easy to listen to and keeps your fingers and feet tapping keeps your fingers and feet tapping. Rumor has it that a major label has heard this album and signed them on. If you hear they are in a town near you (and they play San Francisco, Seattle and Salt Lake), you should go see them play live. During their shows, people get up and start moving, and when they improvise their songs become more lively and interesting.

Su Chon
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